Hi! We are LocAge LatAm. We assembled for the LocJam 6 event and came up with our LatAm Spanish version of Not Enough Time. It was a great experience an now we go for the LocJam Crime Story! Check out our EN>ES LatAm l10n roster:
Cyntia Zepeda, Chilean. I'm interested in videogames (Assassin's Creed Saga fan, Yakuza Saga fan, among others), translation, localization and writing. LinkedIn
Jeanine Aedo, Chilean. I like videogames, fantasy, romance and thriller books, history or superheroes series. Also singing and dancing. LinkedIn
Jesús Herrera, Mexican-American. I like videogames, books and movies. LinkedIn
Martín Larrabure, Argentinian. I enjoy almost everything related to videogames. I also like watching and playing football. Mystery movies or series are my favs to watch. LinkedIn
Camila Llauco, Chilean, I'm very interested in love stories and crime documentaries. I love taking photos as well. LinkedIn